Saturday, June 4, 2011

Morbid Angel - Illud Divinum Insanus (2011)

01. Omni Potens
02. Too Extreme!
03. Existo Vulgoré
04. Blades for Baal
05. I Am Morbid
06. 10 More Dead
07. Destructos Vs. the Earth / Attack
08. Nevermore
09. Beauty Meets Beast
10. Radikult
11. Profundis - Mea Culpa

Origin - USA
Style - Death Metal

" Its been 8 years since the last record...And David Vincent is back in the fold...Cant be a bad record can it? "

" This has to be one of the most polarizing records I have heard in years and will be written in the history books in many ways. I'm not gonna go into the history of this legendary band..As everyone knows this...Right? "

" Lets get down to it.....Wait for it........This is not a horrible album !.....Its half a better than average album and half (Bullshit..We do what we want to do,techno,electronic,fake white zombie)record. Why would such a band like M.A. do a album like this?...Cause they can !....Is it smart?....No....Will it sell?...Yes...Trust me..It will..And fans will flock to see the band live "

" Hey people are making it sound like this really came out of left field !....It doesn't surprise me at all..As they have always been different on every record.
I am not going to do the track by track breakdown as its not worth it.
The first track is 'Existo Vulgoré ' and it kicked my ass from the first time I heard it...This is classic Morbid Angel !....Incredible double bass and a winding guitar that really got me going. 'Blades Of Baal' is a fast track and kills in every way..Including a dominating solo from Trey. Now while the title track has more cheese than a big order of nachos...It has a ripping solo that I really liked...And all you fuckers know you will be chanting "I Am Morbid" when you see them live ! "

" '10 More Dead had that creepy crawling style from the 'Domination' era...Very fucking cool !...'Nevermore' & 'Beauty meets Beast' round out the real songs from this LP. I will not say much more about the other tracks as I deleted them so I don't have to even hear or see them "

While this album would have been better with 3 or more Death Metal tracks on it...I do find the material catchy and Trey still rips !...And David Vincent still is a commanding force.....Just do a remix album under another moniker next time and don't waste our time and money..When we think we are getting a Death Metal album....At the very least...Put WARNING stickers on the cover !

Will you get it?......Hummm?
No Link needed


  1. Experimenting is ok, if they're interesting experiments. But what MA does is laughable.

  2. RIP Morbid Angel.

  3. this's what happens when DM band tries to be mainstream...it fails!!!
    please delete this article about this shit album, and put instead something about Necrovorous ; Funeral for a Sane or Feral - Dragged to the Altar!!!
